Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Capstone Night

Senior Night PPT

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Senior Night Invitation Wording...

Edit the following as you see necessary:

You’re invited to Senior Capstone Night. Senior Capstone is a special class offered at Sharpstown International School. As students in this class we create projects where we look for local solutions to global issues or problems. The (name of the project) project is about…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Genius that is our RESEARCH PAPER!!!!


Monday, October 31, 2011

Prudential Spirit Awards

Go to this link to apply for the Spirit Volunteer Awards...Deadline is tomorrow, November 1, 2011.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today October 27, 2011

In a scale of 1-10 ill give my self an 8 because i been doing certain things. i have slow down but im working to get back on track.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jaime and Brenda C. Capstone. Animal Companions

Our Capstone idea is to fund-raise and volunteer at the Houston SPCA. Our purpose is to create awareness about the countless mistreated animals or homeless animals that are sheltered in the Houston Humane Society (H.H.S)
To create awareness that if animals are not found a home they are placed on the verge of being put down.


If you would be so kind as to go to this website once every day and "click to give" you would be donating animal food and care to animals in need. (NOTE: its FREE)

You could also bring caned or bagged dog food to either Jaime Sandoval or Brenda Cruz so we could donate them to the Houston Humane Society. Thank you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unity Day

Anti-Bullying group, please check out this website:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Capstone Check Point

Please make sure you have completed the following documents before each check point:

Mid- term Check Point (First 9 weeks)
1. Professional cover Page
2. Partnership Contract
3. Sponsor signature
4. Table of Content Draft
5. One Pager (Header includes School year, Capstone name, and student names)
6. Story Board
7. Research Paper (with work cited and MLA format)
8. Bibliography / Work cited

Final Check Point (Second 9 weeks)
9. Methodology
10. Final Reflection
11. Appendix (research source print out, source cards, hand outs)
12. Minis- Presentation (digital media) – Please talk to your Capstone Teacher to make an appointment to present your project (20 minute).

Senior Night (Final)
December 7th, 5:00 pm to 7:30 at the Cafeteria
1. Display board (Tri-fold preferred)
2. Finished binder
3. Digital Presentation
4. Guests (one sponsor, one community member –can be your parent, and one peer – not currently in Capstone)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

World Hunger

This is the topic we choose for Senior Capstone Class 2011-2012

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

MLA format

Purdue University has really detailed MLA format guide, please check it out when you write your research paper:


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Green House Awareness

My capstone project is to bring the awareness of the green house gases. By doing so, I plan on expanding the green house project from last years idea and expand a small throughout the school.  A way to fundraise is to have a lemonade stand the day of the project. I also plan to show the difference of the before and after pictures to makethe school more brighter and more color to an international college bound school.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Colon Cancer Dinner Explanation

In our capstone project we will be fundraising money for a non-profit colon cancer organization. We will do a dinner in our school cafeteria and charge money and all the profits will go to the organization. We will have a sponsor but most likely the sponsor wont be able to cover all expenses, so whatever money we earn after expenses will go to the non-profit organization.

Colon Cancer Dinner

World Cup Explanation

In the "World Cup" tournament, there will be 18 teams that will enter in it. Every team that registers for the tournament will represent a country that that has the international problem of underprivledged children that need help. At the end of the tournament, the country that is the champion of the tournament, that will be the country that will have the money that was raised donated to that country.


I came up with the idea for the world cup when i was thinking about how soccer is an international sport in itself but i wanted to somehow make it possible for us to use the game of soccer to make a change in the world. Then i realized that i could make it possible, by making an indoor soccer tournament that will let the players competing in it to play for something more than themselves.

Jaime and Brenda Capstone Idea!

Our Capstone idea is to fund-raise and volunteer at the Houston SPCA. Our purpose is to create awareness about the countless mistreated animals or homeless animals that are sheltered in the S.P.C.A.
to create awareness that if animals are not found a home they get put down. =[

Adams Capstone

Adams' class,
Please post your capstone blog link here at the comment area. You need to begin to journal about your capstone journey.
Your blog should include topics such as the inspiration of your project, your action plan, sponsor, and of course the book you choose as the assigned reading for this course. Please check your gradespeed to see all your assignment grades.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Devaney's Capstone Projects

6th Period: Please "claim" your project ideas here...in the comments. Ms. Adams, I am unable to add students from my class to be authors or contributors of this blog.

Project idea presentation requirements

Hi Capstone students,

Your first presentation should have minimum 5 power point slides.
Your presentation should include the following: project idea, research direction and action plan. Please be prepared for the Q&A section from your peers and instructor.

Partner Contracts

Each partnership in Ms. Devaney's monster-sized, 6th period Capstone must create a partnership contract. Due, Friday, August 26, 2011. It must include:

1. Project Name
2. Partners Names
3. An Agreement
4. The Date
5. Partner Signatures

Suggested Agreement:
1. We promise to listen to each other's ideas with respect.
2. We promise to do our assigned work to the best of our ability.
3. We promise to turn in all of our work on or before the due dates.
4. We promise to ask for help if we need it.
5. We promise to share responsiblity for our success and for our mistakes.
6. We promise to turn in work that is our own.

If either partner breaks one or more of our rulse, the other partner has a right to call a meeting and ask the person to follow the rules. If the person still breaks one or more of the rules we have the right to fire that person.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And So It Begins (:

My Capstone project is water perservation and awareness. I came up with this topic in a very unusual way, i was sitting in class with possible topics running through my head. I reached in my backpack and pulled out a water bottle and it came to me, "what if i do my project on water?" With that epiphany like event, ideas, solutions, relevance and all came to me. I told Ms. Adams of my topic and began my research, shortly i found an organization called Living Water and began to go through their website. The website inspired me stick with water perservation. My next blog will go into further detail of my progress.


Until Then Good Day

Rut's Capstone Project

My project is going to be based on helping childrens that have cancer. By donations that help children get treatments. Work with Texas Children's Hospital, Children Cancer Recovery Foundation, Locks of Love...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Welcome to SIS Capstone class!
Your first task will be creating a blog like this one and begin to document your journey of this experiential learning class.